British Taekwondo Schools Project
Jan 2018-- British Taekwondo is supporting an exciting, innovative project which aims to establish the benefits of taekwondo training on 8 to 12-year-old children.
The project aims to investigate the impact of incorporating weekly taekwondo lessons into children’s core Health and Wellbeing curriculum in Scotland over three years.
The impact of this project is being analyzed by a team of researchers from both Sterling and Edinburgh Universities. Gains will be measured in relation to children’s physical capacities (i.e., balance, flexibility, strength, fitness, height and weight), but also in relation to children’s mental, emotional and social wellbeing. Data gathered will be compared to a control primary school from a similar demographic to highlight the potential impact the incorporation of taekwondo may have. This research study will indicate if weekly taekwondo lessons can also have an impact on other aspects of wellbeing, for instance, children’s confidence, self-esteem, motivation, engagement and participation.