Special Promotion Test of Kukkiwon in Tehran
Kukkiwon is holding a Special Promotion Test in Tehran on 14-17 February 2017. Totally, 509 male and female applicants will take part in this test which is followed by a 2-day seminar.
The following representatives from Kukkiwon will be present in Tehran for this event:
Huun Deuk Oh, the President of Kukkiwon, Jaewon Kang, the manager of the Education team, Jeongsu Kim, the Assistant Manager of Asia section, Cholong Um, the Assistant of Asia section, Hyungnam Kwon, the Instructor & Examiner, Jaeyoon An, the Instructor & Examiner, and Yeong Ae Seo, the Instructor & Examiner.
Source: IRI TKD Federation