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5 Aug 2010
Outline for 2012 London OG IR Selection & Training Camp

Outline for 2012 London OG IR Selection & Training Camp

Outline for 2012 London OG IR Selection & Training Camp



1. Purpose of Camp:

 To select 60 best IRs from 5 continents for London OG Qualification Tournaments which will take place in 2011, and finally to select IRs for 2012 London OG taekwondo competition 




1)     No. of camps: three (3)



2)     Period: between January and April 2011



3)     Places & Dates:

(1)   CAMP One: Baku, Azerbaijan (January 14-17, 2011)

(2)   CAMP Two: Guangzhou, China (March 9-12, 2011)

(3)   CAMP Three: Mexico City, Mexico (April 7-10, 2011)



4)     Size of the camp (No. of invited IRs): total 280

* Maximum no. of IRs invited per nation: 7

(1) CAMP One: Europe & Africa: 100 (75 from Europe + 25 from Africa)

(2) CAMP Two: Asia & Oceania: 100 (85 from Asia + 15 from Oceania)

(3) CAMP Three: Pan America: 80



5)     Category of IRs to be selected:

(1)   Center Referee

(2)   Corner Judge

(3)   Review Jury


6)     No. of IRs to be selected from camps: total 60

(1)   Europe & Africa: 24 (18 from Europe + 6 from Africa)

(2)   Asia & Oceania: 24 (19 from Asia + 5 from Oceania)

(3)   Pan America   : 12



7)      Duration of camp: 3 nights and 4 days (excluding check-in and check-out days)



8)      Participation Fee: US$100 per IR should be paid to the WTF.



9)      Method of IR participation: Only invitation basis by the Referee committee & WTF Referee Division


- Conditions of invitation:

3rd class or higher


b.1. IRs who completed refresher course between 2009 and 2010 or

2. IRs who obtained IR certification from 2009 to 2010


IRs who paid up IR dues up to the year 2010


Recommended by MNA presidents and

WTF Referee Committee and WTF Referee Division shall invite IRs from MNA’s IR recommendation list based on IR’s experience and skill together with English communication skill


If WTF Referee Committee and WTF Referee Division could not find the appropriate IRs from MNA’s IR recommendation list, WTF Referee Committee and WTF Referee Division shall select the best IRs from WTF IR database.



10)    Evaluation of participating IRs: 3-member Evaluation Committee will evaluate IRs during all three camps and make recommendation to WTF President within two weeks after each camp




3. Curriculum:


تاريخ  ارسال:دوشنبه 15 شهريور 1389 - 22:57


تعداد بازديد: 527


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مرکز جهانی تکواندو
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تالار مدال آوران
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دانشگاه علمی کاربردی
ارسال اخبار
پرسش و پاسخ
تماس باما
ویدئوهای تکواندو
آئين نامه
اطلاعیه و بخشنامه

آدرس: تهران - خيابان شريعتي - خيابان شهيد ميرزاپور (خيابان سهيل سابق) كوچه شهید طاهری - روبروي مجتمع مسكوني سبحان - فدراسيون تكواندو جمهوري اسلامي ايران
شناسه پستي:
1931747674         تلفنخانه :3-22242441    
ساعات كار فدراسيون تكواندو : شنبه الي چهارشنبه : 00: 8 لغايت 16:00      پنج شنبه : تعطیل

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