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5th World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships Wrap Up in Resounding Success

The 5th WTF World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships concluded in a resounding success in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on Oct. 10, 2010.


The three-day event, which took place at the Universal Sports Palace Uzbekistan, drew a total of 446 athletes from 59 countries.


Korea clinched nine gold medals and two silver medals to grab the overall title of the championships, followed by Vietnam with two gold medals and one silver and one bronze.


Turkey came next with two gold medals and four bronze medals, followed by Iran with one gold, five silver and five bronze. Germany stood fifth with one gold, three silver and three bronze.


Mustafa Yilmaz of Turkey, the gold medal winner both in the men’s 1st master division and the men’s 2nd team category at the just-ended championships, was chosen as the male MVP.


Korea’s Young-Ae Seo, the gold medal winner in the women’s 1st master division to become the five-time world champion, was selected as the female MVP.


The Good Fighting Spirit Prize went to Finland, Lebanon and Peru, while the Active Participation Prize went to Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Libya.


The Best Referee Awards of the championships went to five referees: Seong-Jae Heo of Korea, Ahmed Hassan El Mofty of Egypt, Elio Luppichini Mella of Chile, Vera Moens of Belgium and Roberto Lopez of Mexico.


The third and final day of the poomsae championships featured five categories.


In the men’s individual 2nd senior category, Korea’s Moon-Kwon Park won the gold medal and Egypt’s A. Metwalli grabbed the silver. The bronze went to Iran’s M. Ghi Hatami and Spain’s P. Campillo.


In the women’s individual 2nd senior category, Korea’s Suk-Kyung Lee captured the gold and the United States’ A. Reyes took the silver. The bronze went to Chinese Taipei’s Chi-Lin Wu and Colombia’s O. Agudelo.


In the women’s 1st master division, Korea’s Yeong-Ae Seo took the gold medal to become the five-time world champion. The silver went to Germany’s Turner. The bronze went to Spain’s Y. Ubero and Chinese Taipei’s Hang-Wen Chang.


In the men’s 1st team category, the Philippines’ Jean Pierre L. Sabido, Anthony Matias, and Brain Alan Sabido took home the gold medal, while Germany’s Adrian Wassmuth, Roger Kesternich, and Patrick Heinrich Bogusch won the silver. The bronze went to Iran’s Alinadali Najafabadi, Milad Yaghoubi, and Akbar Forouzan, and China’s Zhu Yuxiang, Li Jingyu, and Zhan Wenpeng.


In the women’s 1st team division, Vietnam’s Thi Thu Ngan Nguyen, Thile Kim Nguyen and Tuyet Van Chau captured the gold medal, while the silver went to Iran’s Nastaran Maleki Aderani, Mahsh Mardani and Golsoum Mollamadadkhani. The bronze went to China’s Zhu Mengxue, Li Wen and Xia Yu, and Germany’s Claudia Beaujean, Isabel Dormann and Nicole Ketteniss.


تاريخ  ارسال:دوشنبه 3 آبان 1389 - 10:17


تعداد بازديد: 537


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آدرس: تهران - خيابان شريعتي - خيابان شهيد ميرزاپور (خيابان سهيل سابق) كوچه شهید طاهری - روبروي مجتمع مسكوني سبحان - فدراسيون تكواندو جمهوري اسلامي ايران
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