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Iran's World Taekwondo Center

Iran's World Taekwondo Center in a Brief Look



Iran's World Taekwondo Center was established in May 2010 under the supervision of the World Taekwondo Federation, WTF, with the presence of Dr. Chou, the WTF President.




Built on a 724-square-meter area and constructed in 4 floors with an overall 2896 square meters of area, the center is equipped with a restaurant, hotel, gym, training room, massage room, and a medical clinic, and enjoys being located in one of the most beautiful areas of Tehran.


The Restaurant. The restaurant is located on the first floor of the building and could fit some 75 people. The restaurant serves refreshing Iranian ethnic food, as well as some foreign dishes. The restaurant also has a spectacular view which adds up to the enjoyment one could get from the cuisine.



The Hotel. The Hotel of Iran's World Taekwondo Center could accommodate some 96 people with its sixteen 6-bed and 3-bed rooms. The lobby of the hotel is a relaxing place, which is also suitable for reading the already-provided Persian and International periodicals. The hotel also enjoys having laundry rooms and wireless internet access.



The Gym. Equipped with the latest facilities, the gyp of Iran's World Taekwondo Center hosts the athletes in an eye-catching and relaxing environment.



The Training Facility. The training facility of Iran's World Taekwondo Center is deigned on a 600-square meter area, with 4 standard Taekwondo courts.








تاريخ  ارسال:دوشنبه 22 آذر 1389 - 13:6


تعداد بازديد: 522


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آدرس: تهران - خيابان شريعتي - خيابان شهيد ميرزاپور (خيابان سهيل سابق) كوچه شهید طاهری - روبروي مجتمع مسكوني سبحان - فدراسيون تكواندو جمهوري اسلامي ايران
شناسه پستي:
1931747674         تلفنخانه :3-22242441    
ساعات كار فدراسيون تكواندو : شنبه الي چهارشنبه : 00: 8 لغايت 16:00      پنج شنبه : تعطیل

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